From Blueprints to Residential Energy Code Compliance


This is an interactive course where you will learn to measure blueprints and complete take-off sheets for Residential Florida Energy Code compliance.  Earn 4 CILB CEUs.

CEUs: 4 general credits; CILB# 0613674; Provider# 0000859

Before requesting CILB General CEUs for this course, you must:
1) Spend a minimum of 4 hours with the material.
2) Reach 100% in the progress bar; this is accomplished by passing all quizzes and clicking the “complete lesson” button on those lessons that do not have quizzes.
Once step 2 is completed, you will automatically receive a certificate of completion.
To receive CILB CEUs, again after completing Step 2, submit a request (including the course name and your license #) to


SKU: blueprints Category: Tags: ,


The web-based version of the From Blueprints to Residential Code Compliance course, developed by the FSEC Energy Research Center, provides an overview of current Residential Florida Energy Code compliance methods and detailed instruction on how to perform blueprint “take-offs” to gather the information required for energy code compliance calculations. Students learn about the individual take-off sheet entries and use an on-screen architect’s scale to make actual measurements on a virtual plan set and enter the measurements on a take-off sheet.

CEUs: 4 general credits; CILB# 0613674; Provider# 0000859

Before requesting CILB General CEUs for this course, you must:
1) Spend a minimum of 4 hours with the material.
2) Reach 100% in the progress bar; this is accomplished by passing all quizzes and clicking the “complete lesson” button on those lessons that do not have quizzes.
Once step 2 is completed, you will automatically receive a certificate of completion.
To receive CILB CEUs, again after completing Step 2, submit a request (including the course name and your license #) to